Friday, November 9, 2007

If I had only four words...

If I told you to write a sentence using any four words in the English language, what would you say?

I learned quickly as a teacher that my instructions can NEVER be too detailed! Today I gave my 4th graders their vocab quiz, which included the instructions, "Choose four words and use them in a sentence correctly." I, of course, meant vocab words. You probably see where I'm going with this...

The first little boy gets done WAY too fast so I ask to see his paper. Under these instructions he has written the sentence, "I love you mom." Not a single vocab word...nothing to do with a vocab test at all. I couldn't help but to laugh a little out loud at how literally he took my instructions. And I almost think that I should call his mom to inform her that if her little angel only had four words to choose in the entire world, that's what they would be!

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